Historical collection
The geological and palaeontological collection has significantly profited from the activities of its former curators and from the professors of the Geological Institute at ETH Zurich.

Porana oeningesis Heer, Öhningen (D)
Take a look at twelve of our most important historical collections, ordered alphabetically by name of the collector or revisor.
These scientists have illustrated part of their material in publications and their collections often contain many taxonomic type specimens.
Individual collections
The individual portraits are in German only.
- chevron_right Louis Agassiz (1807–1873)
- chevron_right Otto Appert (1930–2012)
- chevron_right Perceval de Loriol (1828–1908)
- chevron_right Edouard Desor (1811–1882)
- chevron_right René Hantke (1925–2024)
- chevron_right Oswald Heer (1809–1883)
- chevron_right Albert Heim (1849–1937)
- chevron_right Alphonse Jeannet (1883–1962)
- chevron_right Charles Mayer-Eymar (1826–1907)
- chevron_right Casimir Mösch (1827–1898)
- chevron_right Fritz Oppliger (1861–1932)
- chevron_right Louis Rollier (1859–1931)
Dr. Iwan Stössel
Lecturer at the Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences
Dep. Erd- u Planetenwissenschaften
Sonneggstrasse 5